Mazzetti Renato Srl
Macchine per l’industria dolciaria
Via Monte Grappa, 9
20067 – Tribiano (MI) – Italy
Tel. +39 02 90631159
Fax +39 02 9064445
PIVA / VAT Code: 07194020967

Mazzetti Renato » Mazzetti Renato
The history of our company began with a revolutionary idea of our founder, Renato Mazzetti. After a long working experience in a primary company producing machines for the chocolate industry, he decided to create his own company to pursue his dream of a fast, efficient and economical process for the production of chocolate: the ball mills refiners.
Mazzetti Renato was the first to patent this technology for the processing of chocolate and opened his own company in 1972.
From this first revolutionary step in 1972 Mazzetti Renato S.r.l. has grown from the production of single machines to complete lines and installations for the processing of chocolate. Among our products are installations for the production of spreadable creams, chocolate bars and pralines with the widest variety of inclusions and fillings, chocolate centres to be used as bases for sugar coated dragees, chocolate drops to be used in bakery products, chocolate to be used for ice cream coating, etc..
Mazzetti Renato S.r.l. is based in the outskirts of Milan and has been focusing on highly skilled personnel and a customer-oriented philosophy since its foundation.
In almost 50 years many customers around the entire world have the benefit of our machines and our outstanding assistance, from world known multinationals to medium small private ventures all over the world. They have had our full support in entering the profitable and sweet chocolate world.
Wide availability of PLCs and graphic hardware for a perfect integration in any company.
User friendly software specifically developed to meet any customer requirement.
Focusing on reliability, low maintenance costs, fast installation and start up, our machines and installations are designed internally with the highest standard. Stainless steel structure, food grade aluminium alloy and food grade plastic components allow total peace of mind in terms of hygiene and food safety. Primary suppliers for the electronic, mechanic and pneumatic components are a guarantee of a quality line built to last. In house software development with multiple options, upgrading and remote assistance are a valuable pillar of our assistance and service.
Our company has an outstanding experience in assisting our customers, industrializing the suggestions of their marketing departments, both developing proposed ideas or working on a common frame to achieve the best solution. Chocolate bars and pralines with the widest variety of fillings or inclusions, biscuits and wafers, crushed or whole nuts, cherries or other fruits, alcohol fillings, fondant and various kind of creams. Our WA-FA are efficiently used by many of our customers to produce spreadable creams as well as fillings for chocolate and bakery products or chocolate covers for the ice cream industry.
Our technical and technological know-how allows us to offer the best cost-effective solutions for new installations as well as designing machines and systems for the upgrading of old existing lines and production plants.
A dedicated team of specialized designers using the latest 3D CAD CAM technologies, works together with our technological team for the setting up of the best cost-effective solution.
Since 1972 we walk together with our customers towards a common target; building a partnership that allows both to grow and to benefit from each other’s experience and professional skills. Highly efficient and specialized mechanic and electric engineers, dedicated to give all the possible assistance and training to our customers’ workforce, assure a fast installation and start up, an easy maintenance and long durability of our lines.
Mazzetti Renato Srl
Macchine per l’industria dolciaria
Via Monte Grappa, 9
20067 – Tribiano (MI) – Italy
Tel. +39 02 90631159
Fax +39 02 9064445
PIVA / VAT Code: 07194020967